Mission Statements you can model.


I am often asked, “What should a mission statement look like?”

You could think of it like this: “It’s how we do business.”

You have a vision, but that speaks to the ideal. Mission gets into the everyday.

Business owners can go online and see everything from snappy slogans, to lengthy step-by-step services lists, or even guarantees and policy terms positioned as mission statements.

For years I’ve offered private clients permission to use some of my own business communications tools and statements as guides (FAQ, Terms of Service, Vision Statements, About bios, etc.) and live examples of the ways you can customize your own. My composite mission statements are shown below, representing my consulting services. Perhaps they can serve to inspire you to create or refine your own.

Mission Statements can be any length. You may even want to use more than one.

They may include mini-statements, with each one focused on a key aspect of your business: its purpose, products & services, results, the customer relationship, industry commitment; any or all of the above.

While your mission is at the core of your brand, it is not your brand. In fact it is something much deeper. It is what you do every day, in every transaction, big or small, including that’s behind the scenes, beyond what your public sees. This is especially since the unanticipated '‘pandmeic era” spawned more virtual commerce then ever before.

My point is simply this: think it through in depth, and don’t mistake a mission for an ad headline.

Don’t get stuck in the desire for words that snap and sizzle. Write them to be authentic Making promises you intend to keep matters when presenting your mission. Be sure you are ready to fulfill on strong statememt(s) and to be known for doing so reliably.

Below are my Mission Statements.

Our core mission is presented in the first three statements below, with additional statements that provide more detail about the business cultural values held, and principles practiced.

The Marketing Deal Mission

• It is our mission to support clients in achieving High Performance Communication that makes a difference to people who honor others aspiring to a modern, respectful mindset. Our tools, techniques, and services are designed and delivered for this purpose. 

• We are committed to empowering choice: offering excellent choices to our clients, and supporting them in offering excellent choices to their audience. 

• We believe in business being energizing, satisfying and sustainable, arising from sound principles.

• We believe that the most successful and valued business relationships develop the same way they do in life: without aggression or pressure, based on professional standards and practices that honor all concerned.

• We consider respect and privacy to be critical in building a sustainable business. We adhere to and advise on best practices in this area to protect our clients’ communications assets.

• We aspire to the highest standards of ethics in marketing and advertising. We consider business to be very personal, based in value offered and exchanged.

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Thanks for asking, and for visiting here. Best wishes in fulfilling your business or community mission!

— Diane A. Curran

Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + TheMarketingDeal.com: Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.


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