Marketing & Branding Magnetics


Marketing & Branding that inspires trust has the energy needed for the response you seek.

What does this require of you? Employing these four principles is essential to craft offers with lasting magnetism for your intended audiences.

Marketing & Branding Is Personal

Marketing & Branding is personal because each human being is unique. Since today's fancy targeting tools undermine privacy, marketer must work harder to Gian permission and trust.

Marketing & Branding Is Primal

Survival. Security. Love. Community. Adventure. Freedom. Fun. Humanity lives within being, doing, having. Marketing & Branding messages that matter fulfill on primal needs.

Marking & Branding Make Waves

The ocean doesn't send one wave onshore and call it a day. Effective marketing flows in rhythmic repetition for visibility, memorability and magnetism.

Marketing Thrives with Team Play

Bringing outside voices in for collaborative marketing & branding development reveals blind spots to clarify and strengthen a message.

Enjoy another of our short and sweet slideshows!

— Diane A. Curran

©2023 Diane A. Curran for TMD. All rights reserved.

Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.

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