Be. Marketing Naturally


By nature, we are impulsive. Marketing has only split seconds to make lasting impressions. With these elements, marketing gains natural power.

Energize your marketing…

Marketing Sparks

We are seized by the fiery spark of an idea. We’ve got the energy to save the world! How dare reality intrude with its tasks, budgets and timelines? Marketing’s job at this stage is to capture the DNA of this spark in notes, a sketch, a voice memo; whatever helps us reignite it at will, as we burn the midnight oil, working feverishly to dazzle the world.

Marketing Illuminates

A fresh breeze frees you to meet the moment’s challenge when old thoughts run your mind in an endless loop. Let your imagination float outside the box to discover new views. Marketing illuminates by experimenting with the unfamiliar to shift perceptions. Create a message that offers a new conversation, so real interest can follow.

Marketing Cascades

We want abundance from our marketing efforts: leads, sales and referrals to bubble and flow with profits and success. Marketing isn’t waiting passively for some ocean to lift all boats. Marketing skill takes the initiative to start a stream of communications; overflowing with value, designed to swell in waterfall momentum by creating client satisfaction.

Marketing Builds

Any venture benefits from a solid foundation. Business relies on marketing to establish an identity in the world, guide its public communications, protect its reputation with promises fulfilled, and reliably forecast its fortunes for short & long term. Inspiration, intuition and implementation convert ideas into results with marketing’s mantra: Test, Test, Test.

Diane Curran

Celebrating Words, Visions & Time; living creatively in LA. Consultant, Podcast Host, Speaker + Branding for Solopreneurs & Professionals.

Be. The “I” in Marketing